☆ 耐濫用 Durable with indiscriminately using
☆ 1~2h快充 1~2h fast charge
☆ 高倍率放電 High rate discharge
☆ 安全不爆炸 Safe & anti-explosion
☆ 循環(huán)壽命≥3500次 Times rechargeable ≥3500
☆ 耐過充過放 Durable of overcharging and over-discharging
☆ 可-25℃~60℃寬溫域充電 Rechargeable with wide temperature tolerance from -25°to 60°
☆ 可適用于三班倒連續(xù)工作等重工況 Applicable for heavy working conditions of three shifts daily
☆ 可適用于冷庫等極寒工況 Applicable for cold storage and other extremely cold working conditions
☆ 可適用于東南亞等極熱工況 Suitable for extremely high temperature conditions in Southeast Asia, etc.
☆ 不含鉛、鎘、汞、六氟磷酸鋰等毒害物質(zhì) No lead, cadmium, mercury, lithium hexafluorophosphate and other toxic substances